CBstat: A Program for statistical Analysis in Clinical Biochemistry


CBstat Guided Tour

CBstat (Intro)

CBstat (Method comparison)

CBstat (Ref. Interval)

CBstat (Dia. Test)

CBstat (General)



CBstat is a program for statistical analysis in clinical biochemistry

horizontal rule


The program is a Windows application (9x or XP): Data are entered, pasted or imported into a spreadsheet. There is compatibility with text files and Excel files. Results and graphics are displayed and may be printed out or exported as windows metafiles. The program is distributed  on a CD-ROM disk or via the Web and occupies about 10 Mb on the harddisk. A User´s Guide (6 pages), a reference manual (pdf document, 59 pages) with documentation of statistical computations and on-line help are included.


Method Evaluation and Method comparison:  Detection limit, precision, precision profile, trueness profile, linearity evaluation, difference plots (Bland-Altman), four types of linear regression, and polynomial regression analysis are provided.


XYPlotDemoWDEM.bmp (9566 bytes)


Control Chart


Reference interval estimation: Nonparametric and parametric procedures on original and transformed values are provided.


PlotFreqRef1.gif (4211 bytes)

Diagnostic Test Evaluation: Specificity, sensitivity and ROC-curves are provided.

          PlotDiaComp1.gif (3678 bytes)

General Statistics: Descriptive Statistics and Comparison of Two Samples. One sample descriptive statistics, t-test (paired and unpaired), F-test, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon´s rank tests are provided.

Please, inquire by E-mail concerning the conditions for obtaining the CBstat program.
